Discipleship Training School

Go deeper in your relationship with God

"To Know God and make Him Known"

A program where you will learn to be a disciple of Jesus.

What is a DTS?

DTS is an intensive 5 to 6 month training course split into two parts: lecture phase and outreach, designed to help you grow deep in your relationship with God, preparing you to answer the command: “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:19.

All of our schools are bilingual. (English / Spanish). Join one of our DTS and start a new adventure with Jesus!

Foundational topics
  • Character & Nature of God
  • Biblical Worldview
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • Relationships
  • Volunteering in World Missions
  • Identity in Christ
  • And more!



Lecture phase

The lecture phase for this volunteer program in Costa Rica, consists of 12 weeks of classroom teaching and community living. You will be able to deepen in growing intimately in your relationship with God through different weekly activities, such as: worship, intercession for the nations, local outreach, serving on base and living life with our awesome YWAM San Jose community


Following lecture phase is our 10 weeks outreach, where you will apply all principles learned in the classroom in a cross-cultural experience. You will be able to serve others in need in various ways. We want to give you the opportunity to bring the Kingdom of God to earth in a hands-on environment.

Discipleship Training School 


Our Campus 

Watch this!



Lecture Phase Cost







The costs of our schools depend on the category of your country of origin. To see the category to which your country belongs check the full list click here. Outreach costs will be determined by location.

Are you ready?



Let us connect with you!

If you have any questions about the school or need more information, fill out the form to get in touch with you.

Leaving us your phone helps us connect personally with you.


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